When your Naver account gets suspended

UPDATE: I know this is getting traction, and I feel for you. My account is still locked permanently and it shows a message to call their support center. Clearly, that's going to be a bit awkward if your account had some falsified info when it was first made. Also, it's meant for Korean users, so unless you live in Korea or you are fluent.. I'm sorry to say that your account is probably as good as gone.

The same thing happened to my NAVER account! I saw this method elsewhere but it wasn't clearly explained...

-Note: this method may not work, naver responded to some that their accounts were created with abnormal methods so they wouldn't unlock it. I think the method I have proposed was probably meant for Koreans living/moving abroad. I would like to hear your feedback to see if it works for anyone!

If you log on to your NAVER account and it says that it has been suspended, and you can't verify with your phone number because it's not letting you, there is a way to get your account back.

You will have to provide your name, birth date, gender, and photo proof that you live in a foreign country by uploading a picture of something showing your birth date, gender, and name on it. Their examples are a passport or driver's license, or you could try something else that proves you are a foreigner and has all this info on it (although I wouldn't recommend).

**I recommend you use a computer and not a phone because of security and also the whole trouble with uploading a photo.**

First, go to this link.

Then, click the blue link on that page. (If you can't find it or it doesn't work, click here)

In the form, the first blank tells you to type the ID you want to get back (limit 1)

The second asks for your email.

The third asks for your name (please write it as listed on your passport, drivers license, etc.)

The fourth blank asks for your birth date. (mm/dd/yyyy should be fine)

The fifth and final blank asks for your gender. 남 is male and 여 is female. Unfortunately those are the only two options.

After you are done filling this all out click 사진 참부 which basically means "add photo." Upload your photo of proof here.
Make sure you agree to the terms- click the button 동의합니다. When you click. it should say 동의 완료되였습니다.

Now, you can click the green button that says 보내기 which means "send."

And that's it!

Thanks for viewing, and I hope I helped.

As always, if you have trouble doing this or problems occur, feel free to comment below or contact!



  1. There are several reasons why your Twitter account may get suspended. Twitter decides to suspend user’s account if it’s been compromised or on the grounds of not adhering to the Twitter rules.

    1. Hello, I am aware of this info, but I was referring to NAVER accounts on this post, which work a bit differently. Thanks for the input though!


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  3. this sounds like a lot of trouble just to save your word list when you use their dictionary. I would really like to save those words though. Ugh.

  4. Unfortunately I don't have a drivers license or a passport so now my new login is dead. But can I make another email but that uses my same info, or is that wrong?

    1. you are wrong. I will never forgive you. You will only be right if you sk my dk for me.

  5. I have a question what do I put in the 7th blank? It’s says issuing authority?

  6. is it possibly with dni?


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