Translations and subbing requests + more!

Hey- this is future me. Where YouTube has removed community contributions. grrrrrrr it was amazing and easy for me to access but now... *sighs* I will have to learn to rip and hardsub somehow. It was overdue anyways.


I am happy to announce that I have started to translate + add subtitles to youtube videos :)

I do not know how to rip videos and hardsub, and I do not want to risk any copyright strikes (which I got on yt before) or use suspicious video players to upload, so unfortunately I cannot post my own videos just yet!

I have created an Instagram account to reach out to other platforms- if you need a link to a kpop video/korean variety show/drama episode or want me to translate something/sub a youtube video please direct message me there!
My username is @shanisubs - click here to view

-I have a YouTube channel in which I have a playlist that I have added videos I have contributed subs to! Please click here to view and subscribe :)

Some things to keep in mind:
-If the youtube video does not allow community subtitling, I cannot sub it. If it is a video you uploaded that you want subs on, then please enable this feature.
-I am not limited to certain groups for the videos- I like many groups. I also enjoy variety shows and dramas, although it is easier for people to find links to subbed dramas.
-Please understand if I do not accept your request. If it is a random video from a Korean channel I may deny it, although probably not. I will not give Korean subs or give English subtitles from a different language other than Korean or English.
-I am fluent in Korean and English, being a Korean American, but I am still lacking at some aspects such as translating expressions that are exclusive to a country- so please understand if I cannot sub a video or I have some trouble translating your request.
-I can also give you drama recommendations- including cdramas :) but I cannot sub cdramas or cvideos since I can't speak Chinese- but if there is a subbed video I can also link you to that.

There are several different ways to contact me for sub/translation requests. The easiest (and most optimized one is: My form! Please fill it out and I will respond ASAP.

I admit I am not as active on this blog and I check YouTube and Instagram more often.

I apologize in advance if I do not read all the requests, I will be inactive more for exams and school :)


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